
Ringworm is a lesion that is generally pink, scaly, and ring-shaped, with a raised border and clear center. The patch of skin is usually 1/2 – 1 inch in size and mildly itchy. Ringworm is caused by a fungus infection of the skin often transferred from puppies or kittens. It is not contagious enough to worry about.

After 48 hours of treatment, it is not contagious at all. It is not necessary to miss any school or daycare. If the lesion is on a hairless surface, buy Lamisil, Lotrimin or Mycelex cream. Apply the cream twice daily to the rash and 1 inch beyond its borders. Continue this treatment for one week after the ringworm patch is smooth and is gone. Encourage your child to avoid scratching the area. Call our office during normal office hours if ringworm is unimproved after 2 weeks of therapy.

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