Ingrown Toenails

Tenderness, redness, and swelling of skin surrounding the corner of the toenail on one of the big toes is an ingrown toenail.

Prevention of Ingrown Toenails includes:

  • Avoiding tight fitting or narrow shoes.
  • Cutting the toenails straight across, leaving the corners. Do not cut them too short.

Treatment of Ingrown Toenails

  • Soak feet twice a day in bathtub.
  • Let foot soak in water and antibacterial soap.
  • While the foot is soaking, massage outward the swollen part of the cuticle.
  • Use an antibiotic ointment (i.e. Neosporin), if the cuticle is just red and irritated, an antibiotic ointment is not indicated.. If cuticle becomes swollen or oozes secretions, make an appointment to see your doctor. Oral antibiotics may be indicated. If this becomes a recurrent issue, then a Podiatry referral will be made.

Have your child wear sandals on his/her feet to prevent pressure on the toenail while it heals. Newborns often have ingrown toenails; massaging the toes daily may help, and remember to cut nails straight across and avoid rounding.

Call our office immediately if a fever develops which exceeds 101° F, your child is having chills, or a red streak spreads beyond the toe.

Call during office hours if the toe develops pus or yellow drainage, if the problem is not better in a week, or is not resolved in two weeks.

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